Medieval Jester & Festival Entertainer, Cambridgeshire
When it comes to medieval festival entertainment, or any festival entertainment, you not only want, but also need the best. Which is exactly what DevilStick Peat aims to supply. Famed for his wit, skill and humour. The fool is the highlight of any medieval event, using walkabout routines and stage shows to bind together the different parts of an event by turning strangers into friends through the universal language of laughter.
Enter DevilStick Peat, Medieval Jester & Festival Entertainer. A fool par excellence. Peat has been performing at Banquets, festivals and re-enactments for over 30 years. During this time he has built up an amazing and unique set of comic magic and juggling routines specially designed to transport your spectators to a time when kings ruled, dragons roared, and the fool, with his wit and skill, had them all eating out of the palm of his hand.

Events, Fayres and Festivals
Although Peat’s show has been specially designed with medieval events in mind, he’s skill is such that it can and has proved to be a crowd drawing attraction at all types of events, including Europe’s biggest medieval events as well as some of England’s largest country fairs. Peats show can and has worked just as well at small village festivals as it does at Glastonbury Festival.
His show, “the complete fool” uses a mixture of authentic medieval skills, close up and stage magic and the quick wit of a modern stand-up comic. Bringing you some of the very best family entertainment you’ll see anywhere. When not performing his stage show, Peat can be seen strolling about your event using his various routines to both amaze and amuse members of the public. Stopping to perform a quick mini show that leaves the whole family feeling that he performed just for them!
DevilStick Peat can even supply you with the perfect background for his show, in the form of his medieval encampment.

Medieval Encampment
DevilStick Peat can provide you with so much more than ‘jest’er Jester… I mean, just a Jester! His authentic medieval encampment includes up to four traditional medieval period style tents of various shapes and sizes and everything you’d expect to find in a Jester’s camp. This not only makes an excellent backdrop for his shows, but also adds to the public’s suspension of disbelief, and is manned (or should that be womaned?!) by his wonderful wife and fellow fool, Jester Dragonfly.
Jester Dragonfly
Jester Dragonfly started out in re-enactment, performing as a lady and archer for the Medieval Combat Society, but soon discovered that Jestering was loads more fun! You’ll find her cooking Peat’s medieval meal on their medieval fire box. Sharing her in-depth knowledge of day to day life in times of old with interested members of the public, or practicing many ladies crafts such as embroidery, weaving and working her loom (all of which the public are welcome to try and of great interest to the ladies). Jester Dragonfly also runs our extremely popular circus skills workshops.
And as if that isn’t enough, we can even supply a circus workshop so that everyone (even the children) can learn the tricks of the trade via our renowned
In 2012 Peat gave up his directorship of “The Kent Circus School” and along with Jester Dragonfly, founded “The Phoenix Circus School, Cambridgeshire”. Now, several years later the circus school’s extremely, high standards of safety and teaching skills has made it a firm favourite at many major events, both medieval and modern.
Peat and Dragonfly are fully D.B.S. checked, means that it’s not just the adults, but also the children, who can enjoy learning to juggle, devilstick, plate spin and much, much more. For more info visit our Circus Workshops page.
Where practical (and with your approval), our 4 children, aged 14 down to 7 also attend and take part in the festivals. They have grown up on the medieval and show circuits and love attending the festivals as it gives them the chance to dress up and help their mother to teach. This year they’ve even started having comic walk on parts in Peats show, and what can be more authentic than children working and following in their parents’ footsteps?
Total Immersion
We call this package “total immersion” as we honestly believe that the unique combination of jesters, their encampment and the jester school of Jestering will totally immerse the public into the life of a medieval jester, and leave them talking to friends and family about how YOUR EVENT took them back in time to days of old. Not only do we firmly believe this, but judging by the amount of repeat bookings we get, some of which go back over 20 years, so do your competitors.
DevilStick Peats total immersion show has been repeatedly used by many of Europe’s biggest and best medieval festivals, including “England’s medieval festival” and “The Loxwood joust”. He has also performed at “Glastonbury festival” and numerous country fairs and events both big and small.

Circus Entertainment in Cambridge
For more information or to book Devilstick Peat for your event, get in touch today!